To My Second Love...

Let's walk and be happy. :)

They say you couldn't forget your first love maybe it's true, maybe it isn't. First love for me was the first standards I have set for myself like those criteria I conjure up in my mind and the checklist (don't deny it, you did it too!). First love are usually the ideal love we seek. We compare important men in our lives (say your Dad, brothers and guy cousins) with "the one". Your ideal man is at par with your love ones but this isn't supposed to be about my first love. This is for the guy who made me realize there was more to life. This is for all the second Loves that are seldom talked about and appreciated.

My second love came to me unexpectedly. Sure, I knew him for years but who would have thought that the guy you passed by would mean so much to you now. I've always been skeptical about men who tried to get close to me. In this kind of world, I'm not confident with their intention. Call me cynical but I need to protect my wounded heart. I'm not the type who would assume things without basis. Assumptions lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments. The truth is disappointments lead to hurt. Girl, save yourself from the pain. 

I was caught in this surprising turn of events, telling myself to stop was more hurtful than trying things out with someone. What attracted me most about him was his consistency. He was the type of man that I've set myself to have. In a way, he was almost perfect to be real.

I really didn't get those sleepless nights. What I got was routine communication even though we're miles apart. Insurmountable understanding of each personality and profession. It was a first for me to open up to someone after a long while. I was open, honest and completely vulnerable. I allowed myself to loosen up with the risk  of getting hurt. We tend to clam up as a defense mechanism. There was no rash and we took our time to know each other. I was at my most vulnerable and I didn't fear that, in fact, I was at peace knowing I could trust him with myself, my thoughts. It was like having a confidant. I did a lot of things that I didn't know I was capable of. I didn't even notice I was going beyond my boundaries. I was so happy, that the things I feared most was actually overcome. Funny that he was feeding my ego (you need it at times, reassurance) but that feeling that he had more confidence in you than what you expect from yourself. It brought out a good vibe. No amount of negativity could put you down and people around you starts to notice you're blossoming and it finally hit me when I caught myself smiling. I was always happy and smiling. I was more inspired to do more things. I just couldn't believe I was falling in love. Yes! Reality check! I was in love.

I will never regret the day I found myself falling in love with him. It took me more than half a decade to feel such strong emotions toward someone. He was my might have been, could have been. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out the way you want them. Yes, you got it right. We didn't end up together. There were countless times that I wished we did but God had other plans. Plans that I may not understand now.

The thing is, I will never regret falling in love with him. I'm thankful he came my way in even a short period of time. It taught me a lot of things and learned important lessons through this experience. In the most unexpected event love finds a way, and of course, we must first learn to love ourselves before we could share our happiness with someone. So to my Second Love, thank you. I learned to love myself and gave love to someone. I may walk alone this time but I walk knowing I'm able to fall in love again. I believe in love and so should you. <3
