Loved and Lost.

I have loved and lost countless times.
But what about us?
Will this be an exception or just like the many others? Lost and forgotten.
And I ask myself over and over again.
Weighing the decisions and consequences.
Is it worth fighting for or is he another passerby who would leave me broken?
I kept waiting for those wonderful moments to happen again.
To feel and relive it.
Trapped in a promise of a happily ever after fairytale.
But I knew, I knew deep down that holding on to memories isn't a sufficient reason to stay.
I want nothing more than to be happy.
I yearn and thrive for it.
But it never seems to push through.
And I realized, that our togetherness brought more harm to both of us than good.
It was intoxicating like poison.
The more I held on to it, the more I'm killing myself inside.
I wasn't strong enough to stay.
But I was strong enough to walk away.
So I let go.
I let go a great man.
A man I'm perfectly aware of, that is destined to be with someone else.
I let go despite the fact that a piece of me died with it.
