The Closed Door

The Closed Door
The uncertainty of Life's work.

Funny how people would give unsolicited advice, as if they know what's best for you. When they couldn't even fix themselves. Do they really have the best interest at heart for your welfare? Because honestly, they don't have to go out telling people who you should be with and what you should do according to their own judgment. Do they think putting others down or putting others under the bad light makes them and their comments any better as “concerned persons”? What they say and what they do are the real reflections of what they really are as a person. What's more ironic is that these kind of people try to portray themselves as “good models” when they can't even abide to simple rules. It's easier to say things, that they know nothing about. That's the problem with assuming people. They just talk without thinking. What's more pitiful is the fact, that these people know what's right and the right course of action to undertake, yet they turn a blind eye on people who expect them to do what's right! Did they even grew up with the understanding of fair and morally upright environment? As far as I could see, they contradict themselves and the principles of just and right. You see, the world is fair but people like these makes injustices. Making the world seem unfair. I wonder if they even have principles and word of honor? Each of us grew up in different environments, despite that we all learned what's right from wrong. Have several processes to come up with answers, decisions, and solutions. They are mostly afraid of people who has knowledge and find these capable people more of a threat than an asset. Unfortunately, there are people who like to manipulate things, situations and people to benefit them. Truthfully, another person shouldn't be dictating what another person should do. People have minds of their own. Honed over the years. Let them choose. Afterall, it's their life not yours. So why people do that? People do those kind of things because they want others, who they think are gullible to believe in their sh*t of a story. These are the kind of people who are so afraid to show their real faces and colors. Rotten inside and out. If majority of people realize the kind of person they really are, they lose power, honor, credibility and trust. It's unnecessary to manipulate new people, let them spend even just one day in a place and I bet they know how people really are without the forces of brainwashing. The kind of company you keep really tells insurmountable truth of yourself. What's even more sad? It's their fakeness. You treat them fairly, but deep down they do things that causes troubles and inconveniences, when a win/win situation can be achieved. Majority tends to leave, and that's great because the people that left toxic ones were able to make their dreams come true. While you enjoy your success, they are still green with envy. Even when they have “everything”, they could possibly own. Still, it isn't enough. Why can't people cheer other people to be successful? When both succeed, everyone could find contentment and happiness. But the crab mentality of others hinders this. Sad but true. So dear, keep climbing the ladder. Take the road packed with principles, skills, attitude and faith. As much as possible avoid toxic people.
