An Open Letter to People who are bitter with my Singleness

An Open Letter to People who are bitter with my Singleness

Dear Bitter People,

First and foremost my relationship status is none of your business. It is a choice and it is my choice. I don't need to keep you updated on my relationship status. Who do you think you are? I don't worry about it and neither should you. I know my age is increasing by numbers as years passed by but did it ever occur to you that I don't need to be with someone to define my own happiness? Just because you got hitched at an early age, built a family, have a husband doesn't make me less of a person in this modern society. So what if I'm single? At least I don't pretend to have a pseudo perfect life like the one you're pretending to live in. Being married, have kids or a family you can call your own isn't a to do list nor is it a prerequisite of what one's life should be. Stop dictating and live your own life. I personally didn't ask any of you to get married or be in a relationship, did I? Then why are you pestering people like me who are single? Being married is not a happiness gauge. Accept that.

Why do you keep comparing yourself with me? Is it because you have something that I don't have? You think that because you're married, in a relationship or have kids doesn't make you as a person any better than me. At this stage of my life, I do not aspire for that. Maybe you did? Maybe it was unexpected but the bottom line is we made choices and you should learn to respect that as I did.

Most conversations starts and ends with me being single. Is that suppose to be a debate? Being single, married or in a relationship both has its advantages and disadvantages. Always pointing that out in a conversation with no relevance proves just how insecure you are as a person. I heard you're living your dream life then good for you but it doesn't give you the right to insult, belittle, and question the kind of life I live in. It's a pity that you have to do that every time. It just prove and show how miserable you really are and no matter how perfect you think your life is, you still feel incomplete and unhappy. So please, do yourself a favor and truly live your own life and not mess around with others who are perfectly happy being single.
