Where I Stand?

There's always that moment where you just want to shout all the frustrations. Yes, no. Ich weiβ es nicht.
Don't you just hate yourself sometimes when the things you want doesn't happen. Frustrating isn't it? But the thing is, we don't always get what we want. We learn to be contented. By contentment, we sometimes end up sour graping. My first two paragraphs doesn't really make sense. Me either. 😂😂😂
This is an article about how most of us take a step back from soon to be relationship. Got it? Yeah, thought so too. This is another case of what might have been. The could have been except that you're in a hanging position. You can't really end it nor can you move forward. It's a stagnant stage in a relationship that lacks commitment. It feels like you're together minus the label. You can't really assume despite the obvious signs of where a relationship is actually heading but here's the thing. You don't have the right to demand anything. Sounds immature. Vielleicht.
This is one of those moments where you ask yourself. Where am I? Where Am I in your life? Where do I stand? Well, you end up getting hurt because you expect too much. You might have read all the signs wrong or maybe you did. But later on, changes their minds on what they (the other person) really wants. Unfortunately, you're not in it.
So, where do you really stand? With all honesty, I don't know. But what I do know is that, if he really wanted you. He would have done it already. Made it official. So, what’s the drawback? A lot.
The safest way for this is to never, never expect. Like in my previous post. Never expect. Expectation leads to assumption that eventually will lead to hurt. That's you!
When you don't know where you really stand in a person’s life. Step back. Look at the bigger picture because you got so f*cked up believing in fairy tales that your imaginary mind played on repeat. Remember, set boundaries. A person doesn't have to know what you did in a day. Every detail down to the minutes. He doesn't care! Unless he asked how your day went but even that has a limit. It doesn't mean you could rant and vent out on him like he's some confidant of yours. Are you that close? Because you're scaring the hell out of him.
Don't check up on him. If he wanted to call you, he would have done that already. Don't count the hours of when he last texted you. You're not his Mum and he doesn't need to report everything he did in a day to you. Give him his privacy please.
No to clingy persons. Stop attaching yourself to him. You're not his tail to be following him around nor are you a stalker. Don't force yourself on someone. Give yourself a little dignity.
Sweet child. Get a life of your own. Your world doesn't revolve around a man or him for that matter. Do your own thing. Have your own schedule. You don't have to adjust your routine to fit his. You can't make exceptions for him. You see, when you make yourself available every time he ask for you, you're making yourself gullible and that's an opening for taking advantage of your time.
Don't be too easy. You can't always say yes to everything especially when you don't feel it. Don't force yourself to do something that would make you feel bad.
Hard as it maybe, always set boundaries. There are limitations to everything.
When you can't follow through all these, then have the courage to ask. Just be prepared for the truth. Sometimes, it's a risk worth taking.
