The Complexity of A Woman.

Are you really up for the challenge? Is your heart really set up for this? Do you know what you're getting yourself into? These are queries that people should ask themselves when entering in a relationship. If all you're answers to this questions are Yes, good for you.

I've pondered about it over the pass few days but more of years. Why am I single? Why? In reality, I'm quite comfortable being single. I've asked myself this because most people ask me and still do (sigh). I just couldn't understand the logic they have. I mean, do I really need to be in a relationship to say I'm happy or complete? I'm happy being single. I've embraced it for over half a decade. To be honest though, there are times when I miss being in a relationship (I'm no hypocrite). I miss that person who could make me feel special in a different way and what better way to be happy and contented by knowing yourself?

Well now, you have to understand yourself better than anyone else. People in general are complex beings. It's influenced by different factors including genetics, upbringing, belief, environment as such. You need to see yourself first and who knows it better but you! Yes, you! This reminds me of the Johari's window, it has four windows: known to self, known to others, not known to self and not known to others. Of all the four, not known to self is the dangerous part.

By zodiac, I'm a Scorpio crossing over Sagittarius. My sign is the most complex you could ever encounter. I have to admit, I sometimes don't know myself well enough. So here are some of the things that makes it difficult for someone to come near me because of my complexity. Maybe some of you could relate on this. These are my common traits:

Mysterious. I have a sense of mystery in me. You see, a woman is more alluring by the attraction of mystery. People are drawn to it, thanks to our curious nature. You just couldn't point out exactly what's so mysterious about someone. I don't know why either.

Secretive. I believe that you have to save something for yourself. Sure, opening up to someone is great and essential in any form of relationship but remember, you have to have something for yourself whether it's a secret, an ardent talent, charity work. In a way, it is a form of a security blanket. Security blanket for what, you say? You need reservations for yourself. It is a control that you need to have. There's a totally different feeling when you have control even in the slightest form. So, you control what you want to share.

Eccentricity is beauty. Being eccentric stands out not in a negative way. Imagine a world filled with ordinary people. Don't you think it's boring? There's that sense that you want to stand out in the world. Be different either by ways of means or making a difference. Be unique and be you. I don't really care if people find me bizarre. It's how I am and that's how I wanted to be. I'm comfortable the way I am and that's where I appreciate people who understands me and my eccentricity. I'm not everyone's cup of tea. Let's defy normalcy.

Strong. Humans as we are, we live to survive and we come out strong. No one really knows your story, your struggles, your trials and achievements. That how people are molded to be strong individuals. I wanted to be portrayed as a strong woman. No matter how many time you're knocked down, you keep standing up. Determination could be seen in our eyes.

Independent and Free. It's more beautiful to see an independent woman walking. Yes, independence! I understand that a woman needs a man one point in her life but guys need to understand that women need their independence and often times freedom. Independence to work and earn on their own. I personally don't want to rely on a guy for everything (at least allow us to split the bill in half if we could). If I wanted to buy something then let me because I've earned it and I deserve to. I'm an independent woman who wants to do what she wants and that's how important freedom is. Freedom to spread my wings and reach my goal with your strength as my wind beneath my wings. I know for a fact that guys will support every woman's dream and truly be happy to achieve it by being there.

Ambitious. An ambitious woman is a goal oriented woman. I'm a woman of ambition, I have dreams too. Countless dreams that I'm determined to have. A woman has a vision and it's essential. I could foresee myself decades from now. With that success thou, men tend to be intimidated by it. It's that law of masculinity that drives men to be better than their counterpart (admit it guys). Dominance for men is a sign of strength but a woman wasn't born to just compete, they need nurturing too. Even the most intimidating and successful women knows they could not withstand this world alone. Remember women need to be cared for. Not just you guys.

Loyal. Fiercely loyal is one of the most admirable traits a woman could have. I know were my loyalty stands, do you? So, a word of caution. Do not in any way betray us. It takes time to build trust, and once it's broken. Good luck in trying to get it back. You're probably on the blacklist.

Temperamental. Women are as moody as the weather. I (mostly we) in general blame it on the shift of hormones. You got it! Those drop and peak of hormonal changes kicking in exude those tantrums and emerging mood swings. You better get out and let us cool it off a bit. A woman in rampage is a deadly woman. I tend to scream and say awful things that I usually regret after because of impulse. My mind goes through this tunnel vision where rational reasoning is useless when making a point especially of violation or wrongdoings on my side. When I think it's wrong, it's wrong. You better not argue, just give me time and talk to me when I've calmed down. I'm more sensible to talked to when I'm not hot headed.

Stubborn and Persistent. I don't listen when I've made up my mind. I could really be stubborn with my decisions. When it's a no, it's a no. Firm choices proves how I stick to my principles as long as I don't hurt (emotionally and mentally devastate) anyone on the process. My beliefs and principles make me who I am since I was brought up. They were based on morality and Christ's teachings. I'm Catholic by the way. I know what's wrong from right. I could really be persistent when I want something. I'll keep trying until I get what I want. I tend to be selfish sometimes. There's that moment where you need to indulge yourself with what you deserve and want in life. So be persistent especially in pursuance!

Curious. Like cats a woman also has a state of curiosity. I like to explore and do new things. If I'm not curious, I wouldn't know myself. Curiosity pave the way to discovery. I learned my likes, dislikes and fears. Due to this, I face my darkest fears and try to overcome them. I do cliff diving even if I don't know how to swim when I reach the bottom. You see if you never try, how will you know? Yes, there are limitations but when will you start?

Manipulative. I grew up knowing what power could do to people. They bend at your will. At a young age, I knew that yielding it gives you control. It gave me the satisfaction to have power over people like puppets on a show. Yes, I love the feel of power and manipulation. I have a manipulative mind, and I've enjoyed using it but with it comes responsibilities. It was all fun and games at first but later on, my actions had consequences. I learned the hard way. Karma is a powerful b*tch. Be careful, you don't want to get burned by your own fire.

Weakness. Every woman has a soft side. You'll get those "Aaawww" or "How sweet of you" responses if you know the weak spot. Yup! A woman is a sensitive person. No matter how hard her heart is, it'll melt with the right weak spot. Unfortunately, I too have a soft spot. Whatever trials and hardships that came to my life, there's always that weak spot that will shatter a woman to pieces or melt her ice facade. Piece of advice thou, never go on an argument involving families, friends and love ones. You don't want to mess with the mother dragon as she morph and burn you to ashes. This makes a woman humane and caring in nature. Women are protective.

All these traits may vary from each person but I assure you a woman, any woman needs to be loved. Some may say they don't need it now but eventually they will. You see love is what nurtures a woman as she is. A woman needs love to thrive, whether it's platonic, romantic, empathy and other forms. Bottom line is, a woman needs love. It is vital in sustaining life. So love us truthfully and we'll love you indefinitely.
